arc light

[ɑ:k lait]
  • 释义
  • 弧光灯;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Outside arc - light shone through the bare branches of a tree.

    外面 弧光灯 的亮光透过光秃的树枝.

  • 2、

    The makeup of the arc light sensor, physical model arc light sensing and signal characteristics, discussed.

    介绍了弧光传感器的组成 、 物理模型及信号特征.

  • 3、

    George watched them, through the window, pass under the arc - light and across the street.

    乔治从窗户里面望着他们在 弧光灯 下经过,走到街对面去.
